Montag, Februar 15, 2010

Nice Use of the Subjunctive...

This has a nice use of the subjunctive, highlighted below: is obvious that Obama grossly underestimated the political risks of holding civilian trials (or of delegating the decision to Holder, who is far more an ideologue than a politician).

But just in terms of what it says about each administration's competence, Obama's error seems far worse than Clinton's. Clinton's was very much a rookie mistake, whereas Obama has been in office for a year. Gays in the military has become a perennial subject for debate, but at the time it was quite obscure. By contrast, Americans have been arguing for eight years about what to do with terrorists, and one would have expected Obama and Holder to come to office with more deeply considered views on the subject than they evidently have.

Well, the only way that Obama and Holder to have come to office with more deeply considered views on the subject would have been if they had also come to office with a bit more ... experience.

Instead, America elected someone with very, very little experience.

It shows. Good lord, it shows.

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